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Month: May 2020
Testimonial #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at vulputate ex. Aliquam vulputate volutpat condimentum. Cras lobortis sit amet turpis non laoreet. Etiam dignissim faucibus risus, quis dignissim urna lacinia at. Aenean eget lobortis orci. Vestibulum in mauris posuere, vestibulum nunc a, lacinia eros. Praesent a auctor augue. Nulla eu rutrum mauris. Integer vel tempor urna, vitae hendrerit odio. Sed sed finibus tortor.
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59club the leading sales & service analysts and training provider, have today released my59 Mentor, their intelligent virtual learning experience, safeguarding clients triumphant return to golf.
The new virtual platform features 59club’s acclaimed sales & service training programs – from membership sales and retention strategies, to perfecting corporate sales enquiries and advancing the overall guest experience – across golf & hospitality.
Venues can take advantage of the virtual mentor experience to expand their existing knowledge, educate new staff, upskill relief staff and providing personal development pathways for all aspiring individuals. Additional white papers, videography and supplementary contributor content from the likes of the infamous Gregg Patterson, are also accessible within the platform, available now 24/7 at staff member’s convenience.
The platform also acts as the perfect vehicle for venues to store and communicate all in-house company policies and training manuals direct with their team, also providing the technology to build online training courses, verify learning outcomes and track liability acceptances within one user-friendly, easily accessible and white-labelled virtual platform.
Simon Wordsworth 59club CEO said: “We recognised the need for organisations to have control over their online learning experience, so we built a platform that our partners can manage without any knowledge of coding. My59 Mentor has been developed with simplicity in mind; its clean, intuitive design makes the platform a user-friendly experience for admins and students across all devices.
“During this difficult time, we understand the challenge of motivating staff and the need to enhance personal development, and for this reason education has to remain a priority. Our entire educational content is waiting to be discovered within the platform, what better way to engage staff and build momentum, ensuring they are on top of their game and raring to go.
“There isn’t a single golf club, restaurant or hospitality venue on the planet that will, in the short term, continue to operate as usual. Each club or venue will have acute and significant challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic – problems my59 Mentor can alleviate.”
Intelligent push notifications will link directly to a venue’s mystery shopping and survey performance data, directing the member of staff to the relevant lesson within the platform, as My59 Mentor instinctively acts to upskill staff and address any shortcomings.
Venues can build their own in-house digital education programmes and customise the appearance of the platform. Host staff handbooks and support files to communicate knowledge & company policy direct to the team, while collating all existing digital and paper content into one media library. The platform also provides an efficient way for managers to communicate with their staff around their initial COVID-19 policies and procedures, and phased protocol thereafter.
Within my59 Mentor there is an integrated ‘Quiz’ function which tests knowledge both before and after courses to evaluate progress. Upon completion, individuals can download certificates to authenticate their achievement. This process will naturally lend itself to organise and communicate new COVID-19 operating procedures efficiently, demonstrating that all staff members throughout the operation have read and gained a clear understanding of any new policies as they come into force.

59club the industry’s leading sales & service analysts and training provider, continue to support golf clubs with a move to produce financial comparable data alongside their famed benchmarking tools.
Simon Wordsworth 59club CEO said: “my59 Metrics was always due to launch in the Spring, we have been working hard to provide the intel that the industry has been lacking around various monetary P&L data. Recent events have led us to adapt this technology to provide additional feedback to managers on the effect that COVID-19 has had on their club in quarter 1, and subsequently throughout 2020, providing short, medium and long-term analytics.
“This is live data that everyone needs right now, not only now in this crisis but forever. We want to support the industry to be able to make the right financial decisions going forward, based on real industry statistical evidence.
“For so long golf has had little data on which to make its decisions, we felt that this had to change. We have produced live customer service data for years and have now developed the intel within my59 Metrics to measure financials. We have always put confidentiality at the top of our to do list, this ethic puts us in the perfect place to reach across the industry and all the different stakeholders to deliver a product that’s needed, and needed now.”
My59 Metrics, is an analytical platform that provides comparable data around the industry’s operating rates, such as gross profit, turnover, membership revenue & attrition, purchasing rates, stock levels, average monthly sales, payroll, staffing levels – and many other variables.
All data entries remain anonymous to anyone other than your club’s sole key account holder. As with all 59club products, its intelligent applications contain a wealth of filters that generate comparable data against venues of a similar nature, allowing club management to make astute judgements and decisions around its financial operation. All venues will be able to filter the results by business style (private, resort, etc), by county/region, by venue size (number of holes) and by course style (parkland, heathland etc). Additional functionality is available within a premium licence.
59club has benchmarked customer service, staff sales performance and operation management, providing key performance indicators across golf & hospitality for over 12 years. Now as they launch my59 Metrics, they have completed the circle of data, helping golf clubs to measure and strengthen their financial operations.
Venue managers, industry suppliers and stakeholders have all been involved in shaping the first release of my59 Metrics, which includes the key headline measurements that will provide clarity around revenue, rounds played, costs and margins. Subsequent releases will allow golf clubs to delve deeper into those headline areas and truly understand greenkeeping costs, professional offerings and club salaries.
The first release will take place on 8th May for clubs across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales, with managers invited to complete the initial my59 Metricsdataset before the end of May. By completing 2019 data at the same time, you will realise the immediate effect COVID-19 has had on your club and the industry as a whole.
Monthly data entries will be co-ordinated thereafter, as 59club generate industry-wide comparable data like never before. 59club also plan to work with other technology providers to automate the process, with the ambitious goal that by the end of 2020, golf could have LIVE data. To take advantage of this opportunity and make informed decisions on how best to weather the financial effects of COVID-19, visit www.59clubuk.com